Word clouds, Itsuka


  1. I feel that no one deserves to be discriminated, and that everyone should be more tolerant and accept that there are many types of people. I used to feel that Japan was such a closed country, but a recent post on SNS made me change my mind a little. It said that there was a customer making a complaint to the store manager that she doesn’t want LGBT people to shop at the same store, but the store manager put up a post saying that he doesn’t want people who discriminate others at his store. It is true that some people still show disrespect, but I hope this accepting mood will spread through more people.

  2. There are some names such as Inaba and Fujita but i guess these people did something about LGBT issue. I support LGBT people strongly because we are all equal and have right to love what or who we love. It's not fair that only straight people can get married. we are all unique and have our own background and point of views. Why shoud we prohibited to love people we love and be family? And I don't think LGBT people deserve all hates because they are just being themselves, just like us. I hope more people understant them and also, I want to have proper knowledge about this issue.





15 Answers, Mari