I am going to talk about 2 perspectives (Lesbian and Gay) out of 4 for LGBT. In advance, let's see the thought of Lesbian . Stelian, H. T. (2016, November 18). 8 Things Later-in-Life Lesbians Want You To Know. Retrieved June 20, 2017, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/helene-tragos-stelian/things-lesbians-want-you-to-know_b_8577926.html The author introduce 8 things of what Lesbian think. I want to introduce some point os this article. First, Lesbian can't love man. this is of course, but all lesbian are troubled this fundamental matter. A woman who is a lesbian came out after being married to a man for five years when she was 30. Coming out later can be a personal struggle to define their true selves. In the fact of that insecurity, family and friends may question a woman's motives and her past. Second, established lesbians are not always welcoming. the law about endorsement of same-sex marriage are increasing, but who support same-sex marriage are not...