Hello ;) Thank you for visiting our blog! This blog is written by 2 Japanese university girls as a part of class. we chose "LGBT" as a theme. we would like to talk and think about the theme deeply. Do you know what is "LGBT"? It stands for Lasbian, Gay, Bisexual and trasgender. According to Dentsu's study, it is said that about 7.6 % of people in Japan recognize themselves as LGBT. It is the same amount of people who are left handed. You may be suprised to know so many people are LGBT in Japan. A lot of people hide it and are distressed. We hope this blog helps people to know more about LGBT and make confortable world for LGBT people. LOVE.
1 Why this issue "LGBT" becomes popular now? 2 How many LGBT people do exist in this world? more than 8 million Gates, G. (2011, April). How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender? Retrieved June 20, 2017, from https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/research/census-lgbt-demographics-studies/how-many-people-are-lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender/ 3 Who was the first people who make this issue popular? 4 When did this issue be public? 5 Which country has most LGBT people? 6 Which race do have more LGBT, brack or white? 7 What is the first organization that help LGBT in the world? 8 How many LGBT people did get marriage? 9 How many LGBT people did divorce? 10 Who is the first couple that got married in the world? 11 How is written in the passport about the sex of LGBT? 12 What is the country that has the most population of LGBT? 13 How many continents do have the same-sex marriage in America? 14 Which ...