15 Answers, Mari
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1 Why this issue "LGBT" becomes popular now? 2 How many LGBT people do exist in this world? more than 8 million Gates, G. (2011, April). How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender? Retrieved June 20, 2017, from https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/research/census-lgbt-demographics-studies/how-many-people-are-lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender/ 3 Who was the first people who make this issue popular? 4 When did this issue be public? 5 Which country has most LGBT people? 6 Which race do have more LGBT, brack or white? 7 What is the first organization that help LGBT in the world? 8 How many LGBT people did get marriage? 9 How many LGBT people did divorce? 10 Who is the first couple that got married in the world? 11 How is written in the passport about the sex of LGBT? 12 What is the country that has the most population of LGBT? 13 How many continents do have the same-sex marriage in America? 14 Which ...
2 perspectives out of 4
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I am going to talk about 2 perspectives (Lesbian and Gay) out of 4 for LGBT. In advance, let's see the thought of Lesbian . Stelian, H. T. (2016, November 18). 8 Things Later-in-Life Lesbians Want You To Know. Retrieved June 20, 2017, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/helene-tragos-stelian/things-lesbians-want-you-to-know_b_8577926.html The author introduce 8 things of what Lesbian think. I want to introduce some point os this article. First, Lesbian can't love man. this is of course, but all lesbian are troubled this fundamental matter. A woman who is a lesbian came out after being married to a man for five years when she was 30. Coming out later can be a personal struggle to define their true selves. In the fact of that insecurity, family and friends may question a woman's motives and her past. Second, established lesbians are not always welcoming. the law about endorsement of same-sex marriage are increasing, but who support same-sex marriage are not...
Bad website for LGBT
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Morris, T. (2014, March 13). What are some criticisms of the LGBT movement? Retrieved June 20, 2017, from https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-criticisms-of-the-LGBT-movement I am going to talk about the bad website for LGBT. This website is similar to Chiebukuro in Japan. Whoever can post some questions about LGBT and whoever can answer these questions. Why this website is bad? The worst point is that there is a lot of malicious slander for LGBT. It is good to be free to discuss the popular topic “LGBT” and it is very important to be interested in this problem, but it is too overdoing. In addition, there are no pictures, so it is hard to tell clearly what you think. Of course there are many kinds of races having their own thinking on sex, but it is also very important to imagine how do your statement effect to others. Whoever can criticize under cover of a false name, so it is very easy to post what you think. It could be both c...